1 Day In LA Career Boost, 10 Music Videos, 10 Photoshoots
Do you have amazing songs that you know will grow you a fanbase faster if only they had a music video?
Do you have more than one of those songs?
Making music is our passion as artists, but shooting music videos…all that set up, and the costs of a music video?! That is the opposite of fun.
The fact is, high end quality music videos for your music will take your music to the next level. I don’t even need to tell you why and overly explain why to you, you are smart enough to be on this page so you already know why.
When people see you in a video that looks like a cinematic movie, they take you a whole hell of a lot more seriously. The same way that you take an artist more seriously when you see something that looks LEGIT.
Do you know why you don’t have a bunch of music videos like that yet? There are 2 main reasons.
Your #1 Reason
You have absolutely no idea where to start or what it all entails in order to actually shoot a music video and get the end product to put out.
Your #2 Reason
You feel like it will be expensive, or at least more expensive than what you are used to spending on your music career. Because you know this is the next big step.
But with what I created from all my mistakes, I am solving that problem for every serious artist out there like you.
Here's What You Get
10 High End Music Videos
An entire project worth of music videos that will gain you fans faster and last you 8-12 months for song releases.
10 Superstar Level Photoshoots For Each Set
Think about all these professional pictures being posted on your social media. People will really see you as an artist.
HOURS Of Behind The Scenes Content and Bragging Rights for your current fans and new ones
A Trip to LA to network, enjoy a little vacation, and get TONS of content for vlogs, your Tik Tok, Instagram etc. Your ex is jealous that you are even reading this right now. She can feel the tingle.
Imagine Yourself Like This Really Quick
Imagine yourself having music videos for every song on your next album
Imagine people turning into fans faster every time they come across your music
Imagine people hearing your music like they do now, except with a movie level quality video in their face making the music sound even better because they are visually stimulated while audibly being stimulated at the same time.
Imagine having a years worth of music videos to put out that you can have done in 1 day.
Then Imagine it all only costs a price that you can save up for in 1 to 2 months.
You could never do anything like I just said UNLESS I made the mistakes that costs me $55,000+ and months and months of valuable time. And that is why nothing like this has ever existed before…until now.
And here is why.
How I Came Up With This Genius Idea For You As An Artist
If you know me, you know it costs me a lot of money and time to make these mistakes that save you money and time. In this circumstance, this mistake cost me $55,000+. That is NOT an exaggeration. I had 3 videos in a row shot by the same person. Here is what each video cost me.
A Screwed Up True Story – $10,000 😳
Don’t Cry When You Hear This – $10,000 😫
Just Get In – $35,000 😩🔫
I had an insane marketing strategy for the $35,000 song, my idea for the music video was amazing, and with my campaign strategy I knew I would get my money back. So out of excitement I pulled the trigger.
When the video was done, it was amazing, even though it took almost 8 weeks from start to finish. EIGHT…WEEKS…AND $35,000. When it was all said and done I had now pushed my music back 2 months for this video to drop and I was $35,000 lighter in my pockets.
I thought to myself “Why in the f*%$ am I paying this much for music videos? Am I an idiot?”. I felt a rush of emotion that most likely resembles being scammed.
Then I thought “Why am I even using this guy for this? I’ve shot and edited my own videos before, I am more than capable. It’s my work, my music, and my vision for all of it’s creativity to become a finished product. And $35,000 is like 2 years of working a job for me when I was a struggling artist. WTF is wrong with me.” I started justifying it by thinking maybe there was something really special about him and maybe that camera he had. But when I thought about it more I realized, no, there is nothing special about him and the camera can be rented for dirt cheap, we are in LA.
Then I thought on it more. Really, he had held me back in a ton of ways. He shot down Ideas of mine that I later used that turned out to be amazing. He took forever to set things up, he hired his friends who were good, but they were people who were overpriced with no care into my budget. Everyone wants to take advantage of everybody. It’s infuriating when I think back on all of it.
I was being charged for so many things I could have just done myself. Why did I even do that in the first place?
I could go on for literally an hour about this because…well look how much money I spent for 3 videos? Ridiculous! But as usual, I made that mistake so you didn’t have to.
Without This System, This Process Would Be Expensive
I must note here to be transparent that this stuff CAN be rented for week time frames which makes it substantially less expensive. But usually people only shoot 1 music video in a week. So you’d still be renting this stuff numerous times even if not 10 different weeks.
If you have ever had to this without my help.
Renting Cameras – $5,000 – $7,000
For 10 different shoot days? That’s 10 times renting a camera that costs at minimum $500 a day. That doesn’t include the numerous lenses.
Renting Lenses – $5,000
Three lenses are about $500 a day for the camera level you will want to be using. Imagine renting these 10 times.
Renting Lighting – $10,000 – $1,000 rental per shoot day.
Sounds crazy, right? But lighting is actually more important than the camera is. I’m not joking when I say this, LED tube lights are $1,000 each and usually you need about 16 for a set to look absolutely amazing. Don’t believe me?
Oh no, you’re not blind or losing your eye sight. That says $8,300 👀
You Thinking To Yourself: “OMFG, no wonder movies are so expensive!” 🤣
BUT WAIT! There’s more! Remember that’s just 1 set of 8, you need 16. So double that and then don’t forget to add the $2,000 in tax.
Yea, that’s to own, but you think renting lighting is cheap? This is also only about a third of the lighting you need to rent.
Renting Stands, Clamps, Clamps, Diffusers etc. for set up = $1,000 – 10 days x $100-$200 a day
Jib/Crane = $8,000 – 10 shoots x $800 a day with a operator
Trust me, I spent it on A Screwed Up True Story and Just Get In. The CRANE was $3,500. But that was an INSANE CRANE. Sheiiit, that’s what they should name the damn thing. Insane price and insane quality booster. Heads up we use 20′ Jib/Cranes, not INSANE CRANES lol.
Dolly = $2,000 – 10 shoots x $200 a day
Finding The Right People To Hire – Time + the cost of the person hired
Director, Director Of Photography (Better known as the DP which is the person who sets up the lighting to make everything look professional and expensive. You can direct your video, but you HAVE TO HAVE SOMEONE GOOD AT LIGHTING or it’s not even worth shooting.
Casting Talent And Models
TBH I’m not sure on the price of this because I have always casted my own talent. But it’s not cheap for sure because every time I have to cast, it takes a ton of time and energy. Talent scouting and casting is annoying and tedious work. It is someone’s ENTIRE JOB (and an exceptionally important one) for Movies, TV, And Music Videos.
Budgeting – $1,500 – $2,500
Organizing a budget to make sure you efficiently spend every penny for 10 music videos? That’s basically an accountant level job, and you know how much those cost. Do you know how long it took me to budget stuff to figure out how to get this as low as possible for myself when I did this 4 times? You have no idea.
Location Scouting – $2,000
Do you have any idea how many hours I spent looking for the right locations, building relationships with the set managers and actually paying to shoot in these places to make it happen? A location scout for movies, TV, and music videos is an entire job of 1 person. To find 10 different sets to shoot music videos that look amazing, it would easily cost you 2k.
Deposits = $5,000 – $10,000
I’d be remiss if I also didn’t mention that in order to rent the cameras, lighting, lenses, dollies etc. You actually have to put deposits down for all of it THEN pay for the rental cost. This is for damage purposes. So for that stuff, your bank account better have another 10 racks on it.
Photographer For Photoshoots On Set = $3,000 – $300 A Day x 10 Days
Let’s not even start talking about how much time it would take you to learn how to operate all of this stuff on your own.
Other Huge Reasons To Do This
Have you ever wanted to come to LA? That’s 1 reason. Because to do this, you have to come to us. But it’s well worth it, here’s why.
When you come here, you can bring a friend, a group of friends, turn it into a vacation for yourself and put all your people in your music videos.
The first couple times I flew to LA from Chicago, I came for label meetings. I only came with my booking agent. We flew Spirit air and stayed at a cheap hotel at Hollywood Blvd and La Brea for $79 a night. We ate cheap Chinese food across the street a few times an the whole trip barely cost us $300.
When you’re here, you get to network with any other artists you know are here. Get studio time. Go to the beach, anything you can’t do back home, you can do here.
I promise you, by the time this is all done, you are going to want to move to LA. But you already know that 😉
How It All Works
All you have to do
You plan to do this 2 months in advance and you get yourself a round trip ticket to Los Angeles for under $350.
You book an Air B and B for 1 or two nights online for under $100 a night.
You only have to put the deposit down to book the days of the sets that we are going to shoot for you. You don’t pay us until the day of the shoot.
Here are the remaining things that you are responsible for
The Only 4 Things You Have To Do For This
All you have to do
1. You plan to do this 2 months in advance and you get yourself a round trip ticket to Los Angeles for under $350.
2. You book an AirBnB for 1 or 2 nights online for under $100 a night.
3. Bring 1 outfit for each video you want to shoot.
4. Put down the deposit so we can book with the stage and set companies that we are going to use for your videos. (You don’t have to pay us until the day of the shoot.)
That’s it. You can book now for 2 months from now and save the money up until then.
Then We Do The Rest
Then we do the rest for you, which includes:
Location Scouting – Budgeting – Renting Cameras – Renting Lenses – Renting Lighting – Renting Dollies, Jibs, Cranes – Hard Drives – Hiring The DoP – Hiring The Make Up artist – Casting Models and Other Talent.
NOTE: The make up artist and models prices are NOT included in this. But you don’t necessarily NEED them! I just want you to know they are an option so you look good on camera and can also have a beautiful girl by you in the video to add that upper echelon artist status vibe.
If you want them, we can book them for you for the videos. We have tons of models and make up artists here in LA. Just a heads up, I tend to pay models $50 an hour but we might be able to find some for you for around $35 an hr. From experience if you go much lower than that, you get a lot less girls applying for the casting. Usually I bring girls in for 3 to 4 hours. So plan on spending $100 to $200 per model. You really only need 1 or 2. If you’re wondering, the max I book a day is usually 4.
Again Here's What You Get
10 High End Music Videos
An entire project worth of music videos that will gain you fans faster and last you 8-12 months for song releases.
10 Superstar Level Photoshoots For Each Set
Think about all these professional pictures being posted on your social media. People will really see you as an artist.
HOURS Of Behind The Scenes Content and Bragging Rights for your current fans and new ones
A Trip to LA to network, enjoy a little vacation, and get TONS of content for vlogs, your Tik Tok, Instagram etc. Your ex is jealous that you are even reading this right now. She can feel the tingle.
We Have A Couple Pricing Level Options
These pricing differences are primarily based on the amount of the sets. Some sets costs more than others. But if you go with the most cost efficient option, you will still get videos that are the level of what I shot for 10 of my music videos.
To see more about all of your options and the sets you have the ability to use, check out the next page. (This page was long enough already 😉)