The Music Industry Shortcut
Numbers Don't Lie 👉
New Courses A Month
HE WENT FROM 30,000 to 526,000 FANS!
FROM 100k TO 2 MILLION STREAMS! + Charted top 10...Twice!
we've helped Artists who WON Grammys
🏆 He took our information, applied it, and made it. It's crazy...look at him now 🚀
✍️ I’ve written songs for major artists with Grammy Winners
🚀 300k+ followers on Instagram + I’m Verified ☑
🎵💽💯 Every Album I Release Charts Top 100
🏷️ Had Big Label Deals And Learned The Hard Way
A LOT More but this isn’t about me, it’s about you.
You can watch me start tearing up when I am explaining the pain that motivated me to make this shortcut for artists like us. 👉
If your music is good, and you apply what I teach you, and you don’t get start growing a fan base, I will give you a 100% Money Back Guarantee ♻️
You either get results, or you don’t pay for anything.
This is the only time I will offer you this free bonus though
❌ Not if you come back later
❌ Not before any timer hits 0
✔️ But right now before you leave this page.
I also show you how to set up your PRO (Performance Rights Organization), Song Trust, And Sound Exchange accounts so you make even more from all your streams.
Wake up to new fans every single day
🚀 Start Gaining A Fan Base
You learn new marketing strategies, tips, tricks, tactics and more every single month.
🏆 Be The 1st To Have This
Who else in your city has this? You learn new marketing strategies, tips, tricks, tactics and more every single month.
🆓 Music Gear 100% Tax Free
Learn the tricks on how to make all your equipment and marketing dollars a 100% Tax Free Write Off!
😎 Save $1,000s On Promo
You’re BURNING MONEY If you’re doing music promo without the secrets on how to get 10 times the fans for less money.
💰 Start Making Money
I show you everything about making money from side hustles in music.
⛳ $1,000 In Courses Instantly
As soon as you sign up for just $47, it triggers five of my top rated masterclasses to unlock in your dashboard.
🛑⚠️✋ 40 to 50 ARTISTS LIKE YOU SIGN UP Every day ✋⚠️🛑
If you think this is right for you, get ALL OF THIS WORTH OVER $1,000 RIGHT NOW FOR OVER 95% Off THE REGULAR PRICE
Just $1,000 $47
Every Day Nearly 50 Artists Like You Join Us
☝️ He Got A Deal With Universal ☝️
☝️ He Got A Deal With Empire ☝️
We have enough positive testimonials to fill a school library! There is a reason we are the biggest, most subscribed to and followed music education channel and platform in the world. We have over 90,000,000 combined views on our videos and we are growing month over month at an even faster rate.
If we have TOO MANY artists, it would make it harder for the managers to be able to offer more attention to questions you might have
For that reason, we only allow so many artists into this program at a time.
In even the first Beta Launch of this which had half the masterclasses when we had half the subscribers, email list sign ups and fans, we sold out within 4 days.
I now have hired 4 new managers who work in my office in Hollywood, CA whose sole job for this is to help you succeed. If you watch my Reality show, you know see how amazing my team is!
Not only have we gotten dozens and dozens of artists like you signed to majors and big name indie labels but check this out.
One big reason I am so incredibly passionate about making The Music Industry Shortcut the best of the best, is to make artists amazing enough to sign.
It’s also why my team of managers are trained as A&Rs to scout for me and keep their eyes on the most talented hard working artists in this program.
I’m using The Music Industry Shortcut to groom the next generation of music superstars.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I want to groom the most serious and dedicated artists and develop them to a point where I would be STUPID not to sign them. And even if I don’t sign them, after artists graduate from The Music Industry Shortcut, I have direct connections with major and indie labels to help you if you do want a label’s backing for your career.
This is more than just some videos online, this is how you make this a REAL CAREER. 📈
You do all of this at your own pace!
To be honest… you can take 2 years to do this… or 3… but why would you want a shortcut and not make it a shortcut haha?
You can always just let the weeks keep going and take the courses anytime you want, even months from now.
The issue is, why even take it if you’re going to do that. I truly want to help you and I can’t do that unless you are going to help yourself.
Then again, if you just want to get it because you know that you will want to have it later, that is okay too.
But don’t waste all of these amazing knowledge! It will change your life.
If you get The Music Industry Shortcut today, your classes start today.
Every seven days from your initial payment, your next set of masterclasses for that week release. This gives you something to get excited about for every single weekend, over and over.
Every seven days from your initial payment, your new set of Masterclasses unlock and you can start diving in. Every seventh days from your subscription activation, the week’s payment comes out of your payment method of choice. It’s that simple! I will email + text you information about live calls, updates and everything to help you stay on track.
The Music Industry Shortcut is set up to take you from beginner to superstar and take even someone who thinks they are mid level, break them down, teach them what they most likely missed and build them into a superstar. Over 75% of The Rapper Shortcut is business, marketing, time management, personal development, industry secrets, and of course ways to make money (and lots of it) from your music. So even if you have been rapping for YEARS and think you are incredible, that’s great, but you need everything else to make it nowadays my friend! That’s why The Music Industry Shortcut was made.
As soon as you join, all of your Masterclasses start. You will be able to access your manager, masterclasses, FAQ and more all inside of your Music Industry Shortcut Dashboard.
We really recommend you just pause your membership in case you change your mind. You can pause for 4 weeks in case you get too busy or can’t afford it for a few weeks. Don’t worry, you are not going to want to cancel after you get your hands on this.
These classes can all be taken from the safety of your home anytime you have free time.
It doesn’t matter what country you are in or what time zone you are in. You can take all of these Masterclasses anytime you want. Live calls with my team happen in the PST time zone. I’m in Los Angeles, CA so if you’re getting on these amazing calls, remember that!
To start, all you’re going to need is your phone or computer and some hustle. Nothing else is going to be needed until we get to the Home Studio training. At that point, I explain to you all of the music gear you will need from every budget as low as $100 for a home studio, up to $5,000. So don’t worry, you’ll have the equipment to get started by then! You’ll be too excited by then to not already be ready to have your own home studio and start recording yourself.
It lasts 48 weeks and you get a minimum of at least 2 to 4 Masterclasses a week, every week.
Discounts? Coupon Codes? This entire system is a coupon code! It’s over 99.9% off! Show me 1 coupon on earth that offers that much of a discount. haha For that reason, there can’t be any discounts or coupon codes. You only pay $27 to start, I am already losing money on the first week of you taking The Music Industry Shortcut. I have to pay managers, office expenses, server costs, email list costs, marketing dollars and more.
If you are smart enough to be reading. But for any parents reading this, we recommend 13+ unless your child is a super smart 11 or 12 year old. In which case they will probably be fine. 😋
100% absolutely, yes! You can cancel anytime you want no questions asked and you can do it at the click of a button inside your VIP member dashboard.
Anytime you feel like being an absolutely insane person! 🤪 haha
Don’t worry, you’ll never think about cancelling after you have your hands on this. But you’re more than welcome to cancel anytime you want.
⏸️ We recommend you just pause your membership and come back to it when you have time or can afford it. No pressure!
I’ve been in your shoes, I understand how it is. Sometimes life is just too tough, things are happening and we can’t focus on our dreams as much as we’d like too. I also understand that some people might have weeks where they can’t afford it that week, and that’s why we made pausing an option for you.
To make sure you don’t give up on yourself, procrastinate and slow your own progress down, when you pause your membership it will pause for UP TO 4 WEEKS MAX.
You should ESPECIALLY TAKE THIS if you already have music out. Because if you do, this means you are serious about being a music artist.
You are already putting your heart and soul into your art and allowing it to be out there in the world to be judged by others. If you take The Music Industry Shortcut, your only going to start making even better music.
Except now, you’ll actually know how to market your music and get your amazing music into the ears of MILLIONS of people.
You DO NOT! To start, all you’re going to need is your phone or computer and some hustle. Nothing else is going to be needed until we get to the Home Studio training. At that point, I explain to you all of the music gear you will need from every budget as low as $100 for a home studio, up to $5,000. So don’t worry, you’ll have the equipment to get started by then! You’ll be too excited by then to not already be ready to have your own home studio and start recording yourself.
This is perfectly broken down for independent music artists to be able to afford this, even if they are in high school!
Your new Master Classes unlock at midnight every 7 days from the day you sign up.
I created The Music Industry Shortcut so that every week’s knowledge and information can easily be digested in as little as 2 hours A WEEK. That’s it!!! Imagine you’re getting 2 hours of entertainment and knowledge to keep you entertained a week, and it’s only $9.
There are actually a bunch of ways we keep you going in The Music Industry Shortcut. I have 2 live calls a month to get you pumped and excited. Middle of each week we send you information and reasons to get excited about your next upcoming week. I actually call Shortcut Members from time to time personally. On top of that, don’t forget that you have a personal manager right there to make sure you are doing what you need to every week! And if you get lost or confused, you can always ask them whatever you need to.
We recommend you ask your parents if it is okay to take these classes first. But after they say “It’s Okay.” you won’t need anything else from them. You can do it all on your own. Also, if they want to, they are more than welcome to be on the 2 big live monthly calls you’ll be able to get on.
If you complete the shortcut you will have life time access to ALL of the resources and Masterclasses inside of it.
Absolutely for the SERIOUS ARTISTS! Rob does massive calls with everyone 2 times a week that you can get on. He also is very well known for getting the best artists label deals and this year he will start signing artists to his label.
You need absolutely NONE. Everything is taught in The Music Industry Shortcut.
Nope! Login ANYTIME YOU WANT TO and have your fun growing your career. 🙂
Some of the masterclasses in the higher levels start getting extremely valuable. A lot of them are worth over $1,000 each. If we let you start a month for $27 and let you get everything… I mean I’m crazy for making the Rapper Shortcut so cost efficient for you, but I’m not THAT CRAZY lol Plus you wouldn’t even know how to use most stuff in higher levels if you haven’t taken the prior masterclasses. It is all set up so you learn everything in the perfect order so when you move up levels you thoroughly understand everything as it gets more and more fun top level knowledge.
The entire first month you take the Shortcut, Rob actually loses a bunch of money because he has to pay managers, office expenses, server costs, email list costs, marketing dollars and more. We want to be upfront and honest with you here.
This is not a digital product, it is a service that valuable takes time from numerous people that Rob has to pay. So there are no refunds.
You are getting thousands of dollars in stuff each week. On top of that, no one has ever asked for a refund from The Rapper Shortcut. Probably because only serious artists get it and see the immense value of it for their careers.
There is a chance that you might not need a FEW of these… and out of the 100, I am talking about like 3 or 4 of them. Such as if you already have a home studio and know how to record yourself, you may not feel the need to take those masterclasses. Or you may already have an entire skill set in a specific area. You might not want to take that Masterclass in that area but we recommend that you do because you are still bound to learn SOMETHING VALUABLE. Trust me, you’ll want to take 99/100 of these no matter who you are or what skill level you are currently at.
There are actually a bunch of ways we keep you going in The Rapper Shortcut. I have 2 live calls a month to get you pumped and excited. Middle of each week we send you information and reasons to get excited about your next upcoming week. I actually call Shortcut Members from time to time personally. On top of that, don’t forget that you have a personal manager right there to make sure you are doing what you need to every week! And if you get lost or confused, you can always ask them whatever you need to.
The App Launches Mid March 2021. The features include everything that the current site features and more.
One feature I am super excited for is that I can hold the live calls and person meetings through the app!
The entire purpose of The Rapper Shortcut is to give you every skill set and mind rewiring crumb of knowledge to feed your mind and life.
You will have everything you need to succeed and if you follow along taking action through the entire system, you will have a fanbase you are making enough money from to live on by the time this is all done. Then you grow from there.
I made sure that NOT a single skill set you will need is left out. I even mean in life too. You’ll have your business set up and in the last month I show you how to expand your empire and ways to make millions of dollars as a music artist the same way every major artist does after they blow up.
This is going to change your life, the way you look at yourself, and the way other people look at you. It all starts with you giving yourself permission to say yes today and then putting in the work.It won’t be easy, but nothing in life that’s worth having comes easy.
Social Media "Guru" Turned "Music Expert"-
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Colleges Don't Use Their Stuff...They Use Mine
Not A Music Artist Or Producer-
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Claimed Value $1,497
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Music Artist That Didn't Try, And Quit-
Includes 1 Master Class
Only Pay $997 To Start
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Only Pay $47 To Start And Get $297 Master Class Instantly
6 Topics Taught A Month
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