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In Progress

Iambs And Iambic Pentameters

Iambs are a set of two syllables where the second syllable in the word is the stressed syllable. This allows words to flow right out of your mouth i.e. “UP-down“, “UP-down” , “UP-down“, “UP-down” and that makes it smoother:

A lot of Shakespeare was written in Iambic pentameter.

Yes, Shakespeare : )

A Few Iambs

  • un-SEEN
  • for-TELL
  • a-TTACK
  • be-NEATH

Using Iambs For Your Flow

Take a look at how Iambs can be used when to create a seamless flow:

  • a-MA-zing GRACE how SWEET the SOUND

Notice the “UP-down” used four times in a row. When you learn how to write lines constantly in Iambic form you can speed up your rap flow effortlessly. I’ll save speed rapping for another course.

Our focus is your rap flow.