If You’re Not An Artist
If you got your hands on this course and you simply wanted to just learn how to create a business shooting
videos and really get it going then that is okay too.
But I want you to think of someone you know that is an up and coming music artist that you can help make it
further in the music industry after you have all this built up. You get to help that person reach a super high
level and then you get the benefit of gaining all the connects and power that your artist friend has. To some
degree if you are super connected and business savvy you are actually capable of expanding this business into
an artist management deal.
You can manage and connect artist as well. You have the networks, knowledge and influence on social media
after all this is together, right? You can do anything you set your mind to and you are only headed upwards if
you are working hard enough.
Now that we have spoken about what you are capable of, let’s get into the next steps.