Month 8
By now you are so busy with everything you won’t be able to handle it all yourself and this is actually a
thriving business. Now you get to start hiring people to be your assistants, deal with the footage separation,
color correct for you, handle casting or whatever else you need to save YOU time.
So, an option for this month (if you want to dip into your pockets to hire someone) is that you can hire an
assistant who wants to get into video.
They can be just part time and handle the stuff you don’t want to deal with. There are a lot of people out there
that would like to start making some extra money, so it won’t be super hard to find someone to help you.
But try looking for someone who is actually passionate about it. Hire someone 18-20 who can live on you
paying them a small amount of money in return for video credits to build up their catalog as well.
I know it seems to you like “Why would I give my money to someone else?” but let me explain the benefits of
- You save time.
- You don’t have to do the little annoying stuff you hate. You can make them do it.
- You can get more done faster because that’s what the assistant is there to help you do.
- This means you get shoots done faster and get them organized faster.
- This means you can take on more clients and get more videos done faster.
- This mean you make more money and your catalog gets bigger faster. You literally become a boss.
- You show up to sets and everybody on set thinks “Damn, he has an assistant! He is a hustler.”
Let’s say the assistant costs you $250 a week. If you can get 1 extra video done that week for $500 because of
that assistant… that assistant is making you $250 extra a week. That’s $1,000 a month or $12,000 a year.
Think about it.
You don’t HAVE TO do this right now, but I recommend you do this in the very near future. It is going to help
you so much. Plus, you get to feel cool saying you have an assistant.
It all grows from here if you have any bit of business sense.
What To Make Your Assistant Do For Starters
If you do get your assistant this month here is what you are going to make them do. Make your assistant do all
the Instagram, YouTube and website posting. Also make them post the Craigslist ads up as well as reach out
to the 10 new people every day on your behalf and sign off as your executive assistant. You can also have
them reach out to every new potential client and lead. You instantly save yourself 4+ Hours a week already.
Spend that time on things that make you money or making your music.
Now all you will have to do is plan, shoot and edit the videos.