Month 9
If you have an assistant, this month I want you to start making them more hands on in the editing process.
Editing can take a lot of time. Since you know your assistant is going to be a keeper you can actually invest
your time into training them more.
They can edit entire music videos and then you just oversee the process and say yes and no to decisions they
made. This saves you 10-20 hours a week. Yes, you will have to pay them more since they are spending more
time working for you, but your time is more valuable. So, you can go out and shoot more videos with that
extra time. You can even consider hiring a person that specifically does video editing or hire another assistant
just to do the video editing. You’re expanding your business, my friend!
If you didn’t hire your first assistant yet, I really suggest you get that going. You cannot expand if you are
spending all your time doing the small stuff. And even more important than this is that you need to spend
time on your music and start preparing for the push of yourself in a couple months.
I highly recommend you get your assistant trained on marketing, so you can start getting traffic to your pages.
Remember, you get to charge artists more money if you have the following on the YouTube and Instagram.
World Star Charges $8,000-$12,000 for a post of a music video onto their YouTube… you can start getting a
few $100 from local artists.