The Different Areas Of A Rapper’s Style
Your rhyme patterns, amount of internal rhymes, double and triple multi-rhymes, speed rapping, melody changing and everything that is special about a rapper’s ‘Overall Style’ is considered ‘Technique’.
Cadence is the rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words. The way a person’s voice changes by gently rising and falling while he or she is speaking.
Everyone that is in power has to have some form of charisma. Charisma is the ability to influence people and make them like you. It’s a special type of magnetism or charm that a person has. The best presidents of the USA have had immense amount of charisma that makes you love them.
A great example of someone with a vast amount of charisma would be someone like Tupac or Biggie. Their delivery and personality on every song drew you in and made you like them for reasons you couldn’t really explain. One of the biggest things about me as a person and my style is my charisma. So much so that I actually named one of my albums, ‘The Charisma’.
If you have no energy, enthusiasm or emotion behind how you speak than you sound like a complete amateur. You need to sound like you are feeling what you are saying, or others won’t FEEL what you are saying.
Energy levels will change depending on the songs energy. You have to adjust accordingly in order to match the vibe of the song.
Things such as voice inflection, energy and charisma all go into delivery.
A change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender.
A bad delivery can mean a great lyric doesn’t get heard or felt the way it could have if you had delivered it better. Sometimes even weak ass lyrics come off as amazing simply because of how they are delivered.
Showmanship is really putting on a show. It is your ability to entertain people with your style, technique, charisma and words in a song. It all adds up and matters. The music industry is a part of the entertainment industry. Your entire job is to entertain people and make them want to come back and be entertained again and again.
The person who is entertaining the most in music and in real life is the person getting all eyes on them and selling the most albums, profiting the most and getting talked about the most to grow their fan base. Think of Kanye West and how he is always entertaining in some way whether you are loving or hating him. People are talking about him and that’s all he wants because that keeps him relevant. If no one is talking about you, no one is paying attention to you and that means no one is listening to your music.
How the words are actually said out loud. You want a clear enunciation of words, so people can understand you.
Young Thug and Desiigner are examples of 2 rappers with horrible enunciation/pronunciation because Chris Tucker Voice: “We can barely understand the words coming out of their mouth.”
If you didn’t understand that watch this really quick, ha-ha:
A lot of the listed factors consist of volume of your vocal. Just be conscious of it.