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In Progress

Troubleshooting Issues You Might Have

Rob, I Have A Job! I Don’t Have Time For This!

This really won’t be an issue because a lot of the things I require you to do in this calendar is things that take
less than 4 hours a day in total.

Let me do the math for you so you can’t make any excuses:

• 8 Hours of Sleep
• 8 Hours of Work
• 2 Hours Driving to and from Work
• 2 Hours Of TV

You still have 4 hours to work on this stuff and that is even with a full-time job, a full amount of rest and 2
hours to watch TV.

If you are not doing this, it is pure laziness and lack of ambition. This doesn’t take a crazy amount of time.
There will be days where you are editing videos for 4-8 hours and there will be days where you are shooting
videos for 4-6 hours. Those days can be scheduled on the days where you aren’t working all day at your
current day job.

Remember, the goal here is to be able to finally quit your current day job anyways and have your own
business, right?

The only reason I would tell you to keep working that job full time is if you have crazy bills you have
somehow put yourself into. You don’t need a nice car yet. You don’t need to be dressing all flashy yet. You
don’t need to put money down on a house yet. Where is your money going?

The only bills you should have is rent, utilities, gas and food. If you have a small car payment, that’s life. But
don’t go getting a crazy unaffordable car so you can look barely cool in your neighborhood. You want that
baby car now or do you want that Benz in a year because you had time to actually work on building this

I rode a bike around and Ubered everywhere in Los Angeles when I moved here. The whole time I worked my
ass off building my businesses. Now I drive a $150,000 BMW i8. I never spent a dime on nice cars or wasteful
things until I could truly afford them. Instead I invested every penny into my equipment and growing my
businesses. You should do the same.

The only excuse I’m letting you have in this entire thing is if you have a wife and kids to support. In that case,
other people rely on your income for their support and because of that, this system will take a bit longer than
usual. But this system will still work. You will just have less time to dedicate towards it.

How Much Time A Week Will This Take To Work?

If I was you and I had this full out business plan sitting here for me… I would be working 60 hours a week to
get this off the ground. The money and level you will reach is totally worth it!

Remember the more work and time you put in now, the faster you reach the place you want to get.
If you only work 10 hours a week on this, you will only get 10 hours of results. The guy working 50 hours a
week is literally going to get there 5 times faster and it’s all your fault, no one else’s.

I am going to tell you right now, the average amount of time this plan will take a week to work is 28 hours a
week. That is 4 hours a day for 7 days a week.

That doesn’t necessarily mean 4 hours a day, it could be two 8 hour days and four 2 hour days. It will come
out to 28 hours at least a week. So prepare for that!

As your business grows, the more you work, the more money you make. Just like at your current job, except
you’ll be making way more money and you will actually be on a music career path instead of working
aimlessly for someone else’s company to make money.

Remember if you are not working to make your dreams come true, you are working for someone else’s dream
to come true.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t give a sh*t about their dreams. I care about YOURS and you should too.

I Can’t Get Clients? What’s Wrong Here?

In my Smart Phone Video course, I provide you with templates that you can copy and paste to each and every
client. It’s SUPER EASY.

It’s well written and chances are that they will want you to do a video for them.

The only thing you may have an issue with after that initial e-mail you need to have good people skills. You
have to know how to be nice to people and make them happy, so they want to work with you and move

Here are a couple tips to help you with that!

Do not have an attitude at all. Think as if this person is paying your bills. Be SUPER NICE.

Remember that they may not want a video from you NOW, but they might in 2 months! They might in 6
months! When your prices are higher, and you’ve established yourself more 😉

Remember you can always work deals out with people. Especially in the beginning stages. You can charge half
price and give them a deal or shoot 2 videos for the price of one video. In the beginning you are still learning,
and this isn’t even a bad idea. You get twice the stuff for your catalog and you are still getting paid. You get
twice the shooting and editing experience as well!

Remember it’s a small world and you being mean or rude to this 1 person at all could harm business with
someone they know later. You want people talking good about you everywhere.

You have to reach out to as many potential clients as you can on a regular basis to find clients. Eventually they
will start coming to you but at first you have to build a name for yourself.

No one responds to my E-mails or DMs?

What is the name of the account you’re contacting them from? If you are e-mailing someone or direct
messaging them from an account that looks unprofessional or is named MoneyGetter7821… no one is going
to respond to you. You look like an amateur and people look at people based on their appearance. That
includes your screen name and pictures on your accounts.

Remember, you are a business. In the first week of the calendar I make sure to mention that you create a
professional business name for a reason. Make sure you listen to my advice. It could be the difference in
getting $100,000 a year in business and only $10,000 believe it or not.

They Didn’t Respond? Do I Keep E-mailing Them?

If you e-mail someone and they never respond, how do you know if they even read your e-mail? Should you email them again? Are you bothering them?

There is a little trick here that you really need to know about.

You need to install an e-mail tracker into your e-mail.

The tracker attaches a little thing to each email you send and tells you if the person opened it, clicked a link
you sent and even where they opened the e-mail from. Pretty cool right?

So if you email someone and they didn’t respond within 3 days, you can go back into your ‘Sent Emails’ and
see who opened your e-mails and who didn’t.

Based on if they opened or not you can send them another e-mail to follow up since you know they are
actually reading your e-mails.

I’d e-mail them every 3 or 4 days until they respond and just make sure your email tells them how persistent
you are and how you would love to work with them or their client since you are a fan of their stuff.

There are 2 options for e-mail tracking