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In Progress

Understanding What You NEED To Do

The cool thing is that your flow is actually going to be UNIQUE in some way no matter what.

This is because no one in has listened to the exact songs and artist you have listened to your entire life. Subconsciously you have taken all that music in your mind and somehow it has determined how music should sound or naturally come out in a creative manner.

With that in mind, you can practice enough to where you can find your natural flow. After your natural flow has been built, you can start writing and re-writing rhymes in patterns to suit you uniquely and build your entire style.

If you follow the patterns I showed you in the freestyling video, then you can easily repeat that process over and over again ON ANY BEAT to find your unique flow that is consistently coming out of you.

We are going to turn this into a competition, a challenge, something exciting to kick you in your own ass to make sure you really GET THIS DONE! You cannot be lazy here and just think you are magically going to be good. That is not how anything in life ever works.

You have to practice to get better at something.

This process is going to require 100 freestyles in total, re-writing to those freestyles and then re-recording those re-written lines in order to have 100 times more practice than any rapper you fucking know!

Imagine the fact that you are about to do something that is going to make you better as soon as you get through this. Like riding a bike, it seems impossible that you won’t fall off a bunch of times before you finally gain that balance and you are riding smoothly.

That is how everything in life ever works. It is hard and difficult at first but then it becomes extremely natural and you can do it with absolute ease.

My whole mission here is to help you create your flow. Squeezing practice into 1 week and forcing you to get great in a short amount of time.