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In Progress

Week-By-Week Explained

I was going to set up the calendar day by day but not everyone can work every single day so that’s not
feasible. I didn’t want someone to miss day 17 and suddenly give up because they missed a day and feel

So the way that I set up this calendar is week by week.

All you have to do is accomplish the goals week by week. What day you do them or what time of day you do
them doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you accomplish the goal that week.

What If I Fall Behind On A Week’s Goals?

If you ever fall behind on a week’s goals, there are 2 things you can do.

Option 1

If you have the time you can bundle last week’s goals into this new week’s goals.

Option 2

If you have too much to do this week and can’t possibly bundle the 2 weeks together you can just continue on
the calendar as if this week is last week.

What I DO NOT WANT YOU DOING is thinking you can just skip a week. Your momentum is key to your
success in this. Keeping it moving forward has a lot of power and will keep your mind and drive in the right
place to make sure you complete this all like a champion.

Really when you think about everything in this calendar, it’s not hard! A lot of the time you’re just looking for
new clients. It’s a copy and paste job of templates I already give you. Then you are just setting up shoots,
shooting and editing. Then repeat!

There are times where you are building the business up but since I show you what to do, it’s easy. Just work!