
First Name









United States


Artist Name

S.A. Louis





Music Manager Survey

What Is Currently In The Way Of Your Music Career Moving Forward?

Money, Depression/Anxiety/Fear, Laziness/Procrastination, Inspiration

How Often Do You Work On Music Or Your Music Career?

Every Day

Describe Yourself As A Rapper With 3 Different Words:

Creative, Passionate, Experimental

What Is The Main Thing That's Holding You Back From Your Goals?

Motivation/discipline. Once I get started on something, I can usually focus on completing the task. However, it can be difficult at times due to my ADHD. My main problem I’d say though is pushing myself to initially start something music related to complete. This can be songwriting, recording, networking etc. I just have this weird feeling sometimes where I really want to do something but for some reason I just can’t. It’s probably from thoughts in the back of my head giving me excuses or fears about some things I want to do. For example with recording, I live with my parents and record in the basement. The room itself is soundproofed but not through the ceiling above me. Noise from upstairs usually doesn’t pick up in my mic but I’m always worried of being heard recording since I obviously don’t want them hearing the bad takes and all that stuff. I know I should learn to not care but it’s hard for me. I feel a lot of my problems can tie into confidence, motivation, and discipline.

Why Did You Choose The Music Industry Shortcut?

I think I can get a lot more done when I clear goal/objective is in front of me and know exactly what to do next. I think I’ll be full of less excuses and have more confidence in what I’m looking to accomplish instead of putting it off.

What Do You Hope To Learn From The Music Industry Shortcut?

As previously mentioned, I’d like to learn what I should be focusing on step by step and how to grow as an overall artist. Building my brand, being more productive, write top quality songs, and the whole shebang.