How To Find Blogs, Media Sites, Spotify Playlists & SoundCloud Playlists That Will Post You


Spotify is amazing and a key to success but another key is getting on major media!

Why not amplify your footprint online, get closer to a verification badge on Instagram, and attract extra attention you can turn into label deals or booked shows?

Press and blogs are HUGE in terms of getting the attention you need to set yourself apart as an independent artist.

This bonus will show you TONS of strategies NO ONE ELSE is offering – and goes beyond just submitting yourself for stories to journalists.

Learn how to strategically get placements based on your audience and vibe, pop up as an official artist when someone googles you, and many more insider moves to get the post ups you need for the next level.

This Fantastic Bonus Resource Will Show You How To:

  • Get a Google Bio (like I have) that pops up when people type in your artists name. This happens through enough blog post ups.
  • Learn how to find the EXACT blogs that will post you. I do this by showing you how I start reverse engineering other artists with a similar sound and fan base size.
  • Find ALL the sites that other artists with your fan base size is getting posted on.
  • Not only find them… but use the 18 Steps you get with this to pitch to them perfectly and get yourself posted on them.
  • Have An ENDLESS Supply Of Spotify Playlists To Pitch To
