
First Name









United States


Artist Name

Ty Youngin





Music Manager Survey

If You're Actively Making Music, Which Of The Following Problems Do You Come Across Regularly?

Topic Matter/Song Ideas

What Is Currently In The Way Of Your Music Career Moving Forward?

Money, Depression/Anxiety/Fear

How Often Do You Work On Music Or Your Music Career?

1 To 3 Times Per Week

Describe Yourself As A Rapper With 3 Different Words:

Catchy, Versatile, Hood

What Is The Main Thing That's Holding You Back From Your Goals?

The main thing holding me back from achieving my goals in music is not having the money to really invest in my music. I’m also in the military, so at times I’m not able to fully lock in, create music, or just learn more about the music business due to being a soldier first.

Why Did You Choose The Music Industry Shortcut?

I chose the music industry shorcut in the hopes of gaining as much knowledge as possible to help me on my journey as an artist. I know that some of the information in the courses may not benefit me based on my goals as an artist, but there is also a lot more information that is advertised in the course that I believe will help me grow in knowledge, not only as an artist but also by learning the business side of music too.

What Do You Hope To Learn From The Music Industry Shortcut?

A few of the things I hope to learn are how to make better content for songs, how to bring my vision to light when it comes to creating music videos, and all the complicated business sides of the music industry that could potentially be a problem for my career if I don’t make sure everything is handled properly, like trademarks and copyright.