Playlist Plumber Playbook: Templates So Everyone Sees Your Ass


The KEY to Spotify success is getting your music on playlists, pure and simple. So how exactly do you do that? We’re about to show you.

Playlist Curators are the gatekeepers for Spotify in a lot of ways. They have access to huge amounts of listeners – exactly what you need.

To win at this, you’ll need to know how to do simple actions one time that end up resulting in you getting listened to thousands of times.
That’s how you become famous on Spotify – while maximizing your own time and energy.

We’re going to show you EXACTLY what to do to set up this little system for yourself.

Follow our step by step instructions to unlock next-level success for yourself on Spotify.

This Insider Course Will Show You Next Level Strategies:

  • You’ll Learn Understand PR, Outreach, Getting Placements on Playlists and Media Blogs
  • Learn to Build Press Relationships that Will Help your Career Short Term and Long Term
  • Know How To Approach Contact Curators To MASSIVELY Increase Your Chances Of Getting Posted How to give Spotify Curators No Choice BUT to Listen to Your Music (Seriously)
  • Access to my Personal Online Excel Sheet with Templates of What to Say to Curators and Blogs Copy and Paste
  • Learn about E-mail Server Information To Guarantee your E-mail doesn’t go to spam. (Most artists NEVER think about the fact that their e-mails to media and curators is probably going straight into SPAM because they don’t understand how e-mail servers exchange, accept and filter e-mails being sent and received.)
  • Beat curators into submission and make them want to post you ????
